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Endovenous laser and RF are heat-based ablation methods


Radiofrequency (RF) ablation, like endovenous laser, was used in the early 2000s as an alternative to surgical operation in the treatment of great saphenous vein insufficiency. Since then, both laser and RF have been used in millions of patients worldwide for non-surgical treatment of venous insufficiency. Both methods have been scientifically proven to be safe and successful, and it was demonstrated that these results are at least as good and durable as surgery.


RF ablation is very similar to EVLA. First, the vein with venous insufficiency is punctured by ultrasound guidance and the RF catheter is advanced to the uppermost part of the vessel over a slippery guide wire. All of these procedures should be performed under "ultrasound guidance". Then, the RF device is operated and the vessel with venous insufficiency is destroyed by heat. Unlike laser, the vein is burned in several cm pieces in RF ablation.












Like laser, RF ablation should be performed with tumescent anesthesia. Tumescent anesthesia will ensure that the procedure will be painless, the surrounding tissues are protected from RF, and the blood inside the vessel will be diverted to the other vessels because RF and laser are more effective and safe in the bloodless environment.

Like laser, RF ablation should also be performed under local anesthesia and ultrasound guidance by applying tumescent solution around the incompetent vein. 

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