Large varicose veins should be treated even if they do not cause any symptoms
Patients with varicose veins may have symptoms such as pain, swelling, cramps, itching and ulcer.
The most common complaint of varicose vein patients is the cosmetic impairment caused by the varicose veins themselves. Patients sometimes hesitate to say that they are not happy with the appearance of their legs. Sometimes physicians can make patients feel that way with their words and behaviors. In practice, however, more than half of the patients with varicose veins are treated to improve the cosmetic appearance and they should not avoid to express their discomfort.
Some of the varicose vein patients may have symptoms such as pain, burning, swelling, cramping and itching. In fact, it is not the varicose veins that cause these complaints, but the venous insufficiency that causes venous blood to accumulate in the leg. More precisely, venous insufficiency causes the accumulation of venous blood in the legs, causing varicose veins and the above-mentioned complaints. Therefore, removing of varicose veins alone without treating the underlying venous insufficiency will not relieve complaints such as pain, burning, cramping, swelling and itching. In order to eliminate these complaints and achieve a durable result, venous insufficiency should be treated before the varicose veins.